NACEE workshop on possibilities of knowledge and technology transfer in aquaculture
In conjunction with the General Assembly NACEE organizes a workshop on possibilities of knowledge and technology transfer in aquaculture with special regard to cooperation with the South-East Asian region on...
Ninth General Assembly of NACEE
The Network of Aquaculture Centres in Central and Eastern Europe (NACEE) will hold its Ninth General Assembly Meeting on 17 May 2018 in Szarvas, Hungary. The General Assembly will be...
Professor Ryszard Kolman
It is with great shock and sadness that we received the terrible news of the death of our friend and one of the key members of NACEE, Ryszard Kolman. Ryszard...
The Sixth NACEE conference of young researchers
On November 29-30 Department of ichthyology and aquaculture of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy (Gorki, Belarus) hosted the Sixth NACEE conference of young researchers. About 40 participants from 13 countries...
TAPAS on the International Symposium in Genomics
On November 21-23 the Institute of Genetics and Cytology, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the supporting member of the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Central and Eastern Europe (NACEE),...
TAPAS third newsletter
As a part of Consortium, NACEE presents you the Third Newsletter of the EU Horizont2020 TAPAS project. It presents fresh news about the work done. We are also happy to...
Professor Yuriy Pilipenko
We deeply regret to inform of the untimely death of one of the NACEE members, Professor Yuriy Vladimirovich Pilipenko, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. Yuriy Pilipenko was born in Kherson on...
The Sixth Young Researchers’ Conference of NACEE
The Network of Aquaculture Centres in Central and Eastern Europe (NACEE) will hold the Sixth Young Researchers’ Conference of NACEE on November 28-December 1, 2017, in Gorki, Belarus. The conference...
TAPAS Second Newsletter
As a part of Consortium, NACEE presents you the Second Newsletter of the EU Horizont2020 TAPAS project. It presents some basic information, news and results of the first year of...
International scientific conference «Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS): Life Science and Technologies»
On the 4th of May the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Central and Eastern Europe (NACEE) held an international scientific conference «Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS): Life Science and Technologies». The...